Monday, July 14, 2008


MARS 2112 - Alien and the G Man

MARS 2112 - Alien and the G Man, originally uploaded by tekjock.

This is one of the aliens that works at the Mars 2112 restaurant in NY. This place was a lot of fun. After you enter the restaurant you get in line then 2 doors open and you have to take a space ship to Mars. The space ship starts bouncing around and after a couple of minutes it stops and the door on the other side opens and your on mars. You then walk down a long hallway to the restauran. There is a game room and all kinds of fun decorations. Check it out some day.

More Pictures on my Flickr page


Museum of Natural History - Stibnite Crystal Formation

Museum of Natural History - Stibnite Crystal Formation, originally uploaded by tekjock.

I was blown away by this, I have always liked crystals. My birthstone is amethyst, Have had little amethyst crystals, and quartz crystals over the years. But this was the coolest thing i have ever seen. It is a crystal formation, but it looks metal. Click the image for a full size.

Here is the Wikipedia entry for Stibnite

More Pictures on my Flickr page


Museum of Natural History - T-Rex

Museum of Natural History - Prehistoric Skeleton, originally uploaded by tekjock.

This is the first in many pics I took on our trip to New York.

More Pictures on my Flickr page

Sunday, August 06, 2006


A day at the Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown, RI [Part 2]

"Kewl rock formations"

"Stacked some rocks"

"And the waves ..."

"... came crashing down"
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Sunday, July 30, 2006


A day at the Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown, RI [Part 1]

"The Lighthouse"

"The Rocks"

The Lighthouse is surrounded by rocks that you can climb on and explore.

"The Opening"

There is this killer opening in the rocks, alot of people go down there.
Divers even head out there to explore the surrounding area.

"The Breaks"

This spot gets great waves over it, they were crashing the entire time we were there.

More Coming ...
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My firsts post

Just testing things here, Pics coming soon.


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